This page shows what I'm up to at the moment, following the idea of Derek Sivers.Last updated:
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Still live in Berlin where I am working fully remote. I'm approaching the second anniversary at Code Gaia now and have no plans to change any of it.
I do a lot of things all the time and have a hard time to focus. Most of my energy right now hopefully flows into the following things:
Keeping up the pace professionally by taking up more management responsibilities.
Ramping up my side-project game (mainly by doing smaller freelancing jobs).
Nice to haves
Realisticly there is more I want to do, but will I actually find the energy for it?
Fleshing out a long form D&D campaign ("Out Of The Cold Shadow").
Writing down more short adventures and one-shots and publish them on
I'm not really good with taking time for reading, but when I do, I read: